Overview 2014


*All screenings, talks and discussions take place on the ground floor. The Saloon on the first floor is available as an open space for exchanging thoughts and visions, planing actions, networking and relaxation during the whole festival.*

Wednesday May 21st 2014 - Opening

18:30 Opening film / Austrian premiere!
American Revolutionary - The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs
2013, 82 min, English OV

After the screening: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Thursday May 22nd - Degrowth and Living Well

17:30 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Last Call
2013, 90 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Andrea Vetter (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

20:00 Film + Podiumsgespräch
Weniger ist mehr
2013, 52 min, Deutsche Fassung
+ Podiumsgespräch mit Dietmar Hafner (Repair Café Graz), Karin Schuster (KLEINeFARM Gelawi - Gemeinschaftsgetragene Landwirtschaft), Manuel Leitner (Spektral) und Brigitte Kratzwald (commons.at)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Friday May 23rd - TTIP, a threatening trade agreement

TTIP, the transatlantic trade agreement currently negotiated between the EU and the US massively threatens social and ecological achievements. It’s also a huge threat to our democracy for it would enable corporations to sue states in case their laws (e.g. protecting the environment or workers’ rights) allegedly decrease a company’s profits. Cooperating with Attac Graz, a whole Crossroads theme day focuses on TTIP to spread information and to support the struggle against the trade deal.

16:00 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
The Human Experiment
2013, 90 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Helmut Burtscher (Global 2000) über toxische Chemikalien in Europa

18:30 Impulsvortrag & Podiumsgespräch
TTIP - Ein bedrohliches Handelsabkommen
Gefahren, Widerstand und Alternativen
Mit Alexandra Strickner (Attac), Mario Matzer (Arbeiterkammer Steiermark) und Irmi Salzer (ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria)

20:30 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
2013, 85 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Irmi Salzer (ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria) über zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft & Ernährungssouveränität

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

WEEKEND 1 - Food Sovereignty, Solidarity Agriculture & Urban Gardening

Saturday May 24th

10:00 Vernetzungstreffen
Ernährungssouveränität und Solidarische Landwirtschaft in der Steiermark
Menschen und Initiativen, die sich für solidarische Landwirtschaft und die demokratische Gestaltung unseres Ernährungssystems einsetzen, tauschen sich aus. Herzlich eingeladen sind auch alle, die noch nicht aktiv sind und die Initiativen kennenlernen möchten! Im Rahmen des Treffens erfolgt ein Bericht über Nyéléni Austria, das erste Österreichische Forum für Ernährungssouveränität.

12:00 Potluck Lunch
Everybody brings a dish along and we all enjoy the good food together. Vegan so that everybody can join in.

13:00 - 16:00 Seedling and Seed Swap
In front of Forum Stadtpark

16:00 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
No Land No Food No Life
2013, 75 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Andreas Exner (Social Innovation Network, Bodenfreikauf) über Landgrabbing und den Zugang zu Land in Europa

18:15 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Growing Cities
2013, 93 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit David Steinwender (Transition Graz, GGG - Grazer Gemeinschaftsgärten), Brigitte Schöpf (Niesenbergergarten) und Bernhard Lugger (Attemsgarten, Riesparadies)

20:15 Dinner

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Sunday May 25th - Food Sovereignty, Solidarity Agriculture & Urban Gardening

Starting 11:00: Garden Day
We use our bikes to visit some community gardens. There we’ll have workshops, teach-ins and a nice outdoor party at Hochsteingarten (Hochsteingasse 94). Participation is free and everybody’s very welcome! Meeting spot: Forum Stadtpark

Monday May 26th - Confronting the Socio-ecological Crisis

18:00 Film / Österreichpremiere!
Big Men
2013, 100 min, Deutsche Fassung

20:30 Film + Gespräch / European premiere!
2013, 30 min, OV with English subtitles
+ Gespräch mit N.N.

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Tuesday May 27th - Confronting the Socio-ecological Crisis

17:00 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Gasland 2
2013, 120 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Werner Zittel (ASPO - Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas) über die kommende Energiekrise und die Bedrohung durch Schiefergasförderung in Europa

20:00 Film / Austrian premiere!
Wind of Change
2012, 40min, English OV

20:45 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
Do The Math
2013, 50 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Tine Langkamp (350.org)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Wednesday May 28th - War & Desertion

18:00 Film / Österreichpremiere!
Dirty Wars (Schmutzige Kriege)
2013, 87 min, Deutsche Fassung

20:30 Film + Gespräch / Österreichpremiere!
Out Of Society
2013, 79 min, Deutsche OF
+ Gespräch mit dem Protagonisten André Shepherd (Irak-Veteran und U.S. Army Deserteur)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Thursday May 29th - Immigration & asylum policies in Europe

18:00 Film
Stop-Over (L’Escale)
2013, 100 min, Farsi and Greek OV with English subtitles

20:30 Film / Österreichpremiere!
Life In Paradise
2013, 78min, Deutsche OF
+ Gespräch mit Mariam Mamian Diakite & Dieter Behr (afrique-europe-interact)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

WEEKEND 2 - Human-animal relations

Friday May 30th

18:00 Film + Gespräch / Austrian premiere!
The Ghosts In Our Machine
2013, 90 min, English OV
+ Gespräch mit Veronika Koren (Verein gegen Tierfabriken)

20:30 Film + Gespräch / Österreichpremiere!
Live And Let Live
2013, 80 min, Deutsche Fassung
+ Gespräch mit Olivia Ladinig (Vegane Gesellschaft Österreich)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Saturday May 31st - Human-animal relations

10:00 Offenes Infotreffen
Die vegane Lebensweise: Fragen & Antworten
Mit Olivia Ladinig (Vegane Gesellschaft Österreich)

11:30 Workshop
Mit Veronika Koren + Jakob Seidl (VGT)

13:00 Potluck Lunch
Everybody brings a dish along and we all enjoy the good food together. Vegan so that everyone can join in.

14:00 Workshop
Vegan cooking: Animal and environment friendly, healthy and tasty

16:30 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
2013, 60 min, English OV
+ Q&A with protagonist Ofir Drori (LAGA - The Last Great Ape)

18:00 Dinner

19:00 Film + Q&A / Austrian premiere!
2011, 65 min
+ Q&A with filmmaker Patrick Rouxel

21:00 Film / Austrian premiere!
Lion Ark (A film about freedom)
2013, 97 min, English OV
+ Q&A with Angie Greenaway (ADI Animal Defenders International)

Afterwards and in between the screenings: Filmbeisl at the Saloon
Conversations about the films and events, getting to know each other and networking at the first floor

Sunday June 1st

20:00 Abschlussfilm / Österreichpremiere!
In Real Life
2013, 86 min, Englische OF mit deutschen Untertiteln

Im Anschluss: Filmbeisl im Saloon
Raum zum Unterhalten über den Film in gemütlicher Atmosphäre (Saloon, 1. Stock)


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